Friday Speedrun

Boost your global markets and macro knowledge in five short minutes / week

Are you…

  • A business student?

  • Studying economics or finance?

  • A junior analyst in sales, trading, or banking?

  • Curious and ready to learn more about financial markets?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, Friday Speedrun is for you.

Get a clear explanation of what happened in global markets each week from a 25+ year Wall Street trader and global macro expert (me) and contributing editor Justin Ross.

It’s free, easy, and quick.

Five high-yield minutes each week.

I’m the guy who wrote Alpha Trader, the popular trading book. I’ve been trading and writing about markets since 1995. I’ve been a Managing Director, hedge fund portfolio manager, and senior risk taker at a bunch of banks on Wall Street. I made $50 million for Lehman Brothers in 2008 and you can guess how big my bonus was that year if you know much about recent financial history. And I love to write.

Get smarter, fast.

Friday Speedrun will boost your knowledge of finance and global markets and give you a clear explanation of what is going on and why. It will help you understand the stories driving markets this week and give you an inside look at what is really happening on trading floors around the world.

And it won’t be boring. I promise.

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Friday Speedrun gives you an easy-to-understand and super quick rundown of the week in global markets. Boost your market knowledge. For students, juniors, and anyone who's finance curious. It's free and quick. Five high-yield minutes / week.


Brent Donnelly is President of Spectra Markets. He has been trading since 1995 and writing about macro since 2004. He is the author of am/FX, a must-read global macro daily, and 2 books: "Alpha Trader" and "The Art of Currency Trading".