Thank you

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Thanks for the explanatory background color on hard/soft data, now can finally distinguish!

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Love reading this every week. You are providing a wonderful service.

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The majority of news and analytical writings are noise, and you should focus on finding and studying your own situations and getting away from the daily addiction of following mediocrity. But this, my friends, is not noise. It's poetry, on all levels and cylinders, and a great weekly addition to your own more focused studies. Not an easy find, that's for sure. Thanks again, Brent!

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Hi Brent. How much weightage do you give to Global Liquidity in the whole scheme of things? Something to monitor on a weekly basis? Thanks.

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A wonderful and insightful read. ‘Tango Uniform’.. love it.

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Really think Nasdaq and BTC are the key to killing this market. We need the speculative bubbles that started the inflation to be burnt to the ground. The next cycle can’t be driven by ponzis and cash grabs. Economic viability and cash flow prudence. Doubtful...

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Thank you Brent! Love this!

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