Wow, around the world with Brent Donnelly in 5 minutes! I'm dizzy, hahaha! Thank you!

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🥨 🧠

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Marvellous as ever Brent, thanks.

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Thku RC

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Great download

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This clears my head at the end of the week, thanks.

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That unicorn picture was soothing

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I‘m also confused with the large numbers, even more because the German word Milliarde equals the English billion, whereas the word Billion (G) is a Trillion (E) and so on. Super silly!

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I was not ready for that Unicorn

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Another superb weekly market commentary, Brent - especially loved the note on "ouching" from Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman + the cool track from JJ Doom.

Keep 'em comin', Brent - here's hoping your next trade is a profitable one!

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Great read. The Terminator (“I’ll be back!) might add some additional AI vibes to the return of Michael Myers...

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😀probably better analogy you’re right hahha

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