I hope people aren’t seriously using Tweets to diagnose Dunning Krueger. If so, I’m in big trouble.

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Love Friday Speedrun! Thanks Brent!

Thank you so much for explaining the different inflation models. I hear people justifying their financial views with Truflation, but I personally experience much higher inflation in my own life on the east coast. Your explanation really helped. What will it take to ever increase the inventory in single family homes? Some sort of economic calamity of higher taxes that would make people with 3 and 4 single family homes as investments need to sale them? I feel like the shortage of inventory in real estate cannot last forever. But what will need to change, to make Invitation Homes and AirBnB landlords puke up all of the housing stock that they have hoarded.

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When I saw Alice in Chains a few years ago in Houston, Jerry Cantrell's dad attended the show. They had him come out and talk to the crowd for a bit, and it was exactly what you would expect if you read the part of him running a ranch. He camed out in a cowboy hat and jeans and told everyone that he was happy that they loved to listen to his son's music. Then he closed by telling everyone to be nice to each other:) After that, AIC closed the show with a 10 minute version of Rooster. A very memorable night.

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rom a place as far away as Argentina trying to learn this financial world for those of us who have very little time or knowledge but dedicate a lot to this thanks and we walk with a translator

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Great note Brent. Calling out Sacks is a daily necessity. Re. UK - I think you made a mistake with your search term. Brits don’t use the expression ‘reset’ when it comes to mortgages. I just googled “UK fixed rate mortgage expiry”. Result = lashings (good Brit word) of doomish headlines from past few days.

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Great read. I’d be curious to know what else makes the cut for your “absolute must-read” financial canon?

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Another great read, as usual. And I do recall the segment on "smart-sounding permabears" in Alpha Trader. ;-) Have a great weekend, Brent!

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